New York Yankees shirts and hats for two games-check

Yankees tickets for both games at Orioles Park at Camden Yards- check

Hotel in Baltimore for 30 Plus Teams Tour-check.

List of things to do in Baltimore for 2 days-check.

Two hour rain delay and having the ushers tell you get out of your seat because of the thunder and lightning.

Nope, sorry, that wasn’t on the Sports Diva’s check list.

The game was supposed to start at 7:15pm on Friday, July 28th.

We should have taken the hint when instead of players on the field, there was the white tarp that covers the field when there’s a rain delay or rain is coming.

At around 7:30 or 7:45, the rain came with a vengeance and she brought her friends thunder AND lightning with her.

You can forget about panic at the disco when bolts of lightning went over the football field of the Baltimore Ravens,which is right next door to Camden Yards,it was more like panic at the ballpark as everyone ran for cover.

As my friend and I had no umbrellas or anything to cover us, we were drenched.

We didn’t seem to care that after all that weather, the game WASN’T postponed, it was delayed until 9pm and it ended around 12:30am.

We went back to the hotel and got under the covers, and followed the game on social media since it wasn’t on regular tv.

The following night, there was another chance of thunderstorms.

We weren’t going to take any chances this time.

If the game was going to be delayed, we were going to wait in the hotel, which was right across the street, then dash over when the game started up.

So much for that plan.

It didn’t rain and the game started on time.

We decided to watch it on TV while we ordered from Broadway Diner.

You might say that this was a wasted trip, but no it wasn’t.

In the words of rapper Nikki Minaj, “sometimes it be’s like that.”

We just didn’t expect it this time that our 30 Plus Teams Tour of Baltimore was going to go “left”.

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