Imagine if you will, you and your family, you and your friend or just you alone, saved up a lot of money to see your favorite team in the basketball, soccer, baseball, football or hockey finals.

It’s what a 30 Plus Teams Tour is all about and it doesn’t matter if it’s an away or a home game.

Your team is one win away from going to the final championship, something they haven’t done in years.

It’s been so long that you’re trying to remember who was on the team back then.

You’re so excited that you and other fans want to greet your team at the arena back home but you can’t.

Unfortunately, real life has crept into your 30 Plus Teams Tour.

Members of the team that you root for have been not only been yelled at by opposing fans, but they’ve been getting death threats as well as having their home addresses and phone numbers splashed all over social media.

It’s gotten so bad that not only do the local police have to get involved but the FBI because some “fan” and I use that term very loosely, decided to make terrorist threats including a pipe bomb to several players which in this case happen to be members of the Florida Panthers of the NHL.

The fact that the idiot who sent the threat took down their post means nothing.

What are we doing here people?

It doesn’t matter if you’re a fan of the New York Yankees, Manchester United, Real Madrid or even the Florida Panthers and Carolina Hurricanes of the NHL, the Sports Diva wants to know.


The reason we do a 30 Plus Teams Tour is to see a city and if we’re lucky, go see our teams play.

Under NO circumstances do we send death threats to opposing players or our own players because of their race, religion or just because their team is beating the crap out of our favorite team’s players.

The world, especially here in the United States, where there seems to be an incident every day, is crazy enough.

Sports is meant to be a relief from all that madness.

Unfortunately it’s not because some people didn’t get that memo that it’s sports and it’s not that serious.


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