Fellow blogger, Bill Fonda, from Bill’s Writing Place, which I suggest you check out, wrote a post in his blog titled “Sports is a drug”.

Now if you know me or even if you just know me by my blog, my crazy love of sports should tell you that I just had to read this post.

Of course I’m going to put in my two cents because after all, on Instagram I’m known as “Puck Princess 62″, but most people know me as ‘The Sports Diva”.

Bill is right.

Sports are a drug, just as much as alcohol, cocaine, and gambling are.

Ironically , many of us do gamble on sports, and we even have , “fantasy teams” that we bet on.

Sports can be just as dangerous as those other addictions .

Many soccer fans may remember that during the World Cup, the tragic story of Colombia soccer player Escobar, who was killed when he returned to his country by a “fan”.

His “crime”?

He scored the winning goal- for the other team.

That’s right, he put the ball into his own net by mistake.

Many fans don’t go to that extreme, thank God .

It seems to happen a lot in soccer.

Can we say “soccer hooligans “?

The United States isn’t immune from this addiction , and I always tell people who don’t live in the country about the three things that you really don’t discuss with Americans .

Politics Religion , and Sports .

For some reason, sports seems to make us act differently than we normally do.

What happens to people,men and women, whenever a sporting event comes on, no matter what the sport is?

The most mild mannered people seem to turn into raving lunatics.

Since we’re confessing here, I am one of those people who act as crazy as hell when a sporting event comes on.

I rarely get angry at anything or anyone, but let there be a game on.

I will swear like a sailor , using all sorts of curse words that my parents and the nuns at school certainly didn’t teach me.

I will yell and scream loudly at the tv or radio, calling the players, managers , and referees every name except the names that their mamas gave them.

I will even call into the radio sports talk shows and give my opinion also.

I’m not the only one who’s gone to a game in person and acted the fool.

I know my limits though.

I’m not going to go start a fight with ushers, security or fans so that I can get thrown out.

I’m addicted to sports but not that addicted.

Besides, I paid good money for these seats and my brand new team jersey that I bought just for this game to get thrown out.

Like an addict looking for the next fix or drink , sports have made us dependent on it as well.

Many of us count down the days until the season starts up again, and we look at the team’s schedule so that we can plan trips accordingly .

Been there, done that. How do you think 30 Plus Teams , 30 Plus Dreams started?

Some sports fans even name their children and or pets after their favorite player.

I even have named my stuffed animals and electronic gadgets after my favorite baseball , football , or hockey player.

Don’t judge me , okay?

There’s no intervention for being a “sports addict” or even if one likes sports just a little too much.

What does one do if their significant other is so into sports that nothing else really matters?

If you’ve been married a long or even short period of time, sorry divorce is not an option .

Please don’t get to the point where you have to offer an ultimatum .

“It’s you either like the Golden State Warriors or me. CHOOSE!”

Don’t do it, pardon the pun, but you’re going to lose that bet almost every time.

Try to accept that your boyfriend or girlfriend really does like sports and it really isn’t the end of the world if they like sports and you don’t.

Get upset if the family funds seem to be used for gambling on sports, a lot.

Then it’s ‘Houston, we have a problem ‘

Learn to tolerate your sports nut if they turn into someone that you don’t recognize when a boxing match comes on.

If all else fails, it’s not the end of the world .

Move on and maybe find another person who isn’t a sports nut.

Yeah, good luck with that .